Dr. Pang Ming, the founder of Zhineng Qigong, chose to spread the good information of Zhineng Qigong through theories and practice methods. Another way was through scientific experiments and clinical research. He encouraged his students to carry out experiments to show the effects of consciousness and qi on the external world, ranging from medicine and education to agriculture and industry.
Last month, during the March module of the yearlong course, “Awaken Your Heart, Heal Your Life,” Teacher Wei playfully invited participants from The World Consciousness Community (TWCC) to partake in a simple experiment with beans. Set up two bowls, each with a damp paper towel, and place a small sample of the same dry beans in each. One is the control, the other is the “experimental” bowl. During the live practice sessions, participants would send good information to the experimental bowl. At the end of the week, he asked people to share their results.
What happened?
TWCC’s Inaugural Experiment with Beans
The TWCC community team collected voluntary reports and photos of the experiments, whose results may surprise you…
- Let the beans merge with the universe. Let it grow and develop easily. They are happy. Chi plenty of.
- Mind was relaxed. I sent warm sunlight + nurturing care to the beans and visualized the beans slowly sprouting and growing through their outer shell…
- The harmonious vibration of Mingjue combined with the qi in my body and everywhere became harmonious, and with pure Mingjue I sent the green lentils the information to sprout healthy.
- I sent love, laughter, joy, celebration, light, rain
- Mainly “Haola” and visualizing sending qi. These seeds grew faster than the bowl in another room in the house.
- I just included the beans in my practice inviting them to grow
- I’m new at this. So I just sent them good information.
- Overall, feeling and sending Mingjue love toward the bean seeds.
- When administering la qi, I could feel qi in my hands.
- Peaceful with a pure baby heart in emptiness.
- Relax, content, and nurtured.
- When I held my hands over the lentils while sending information in the Mingjue state, my palms became very warm and I focused on the grown, sprouted state of the lentils and actually felt them sprouting.
- Merging with the seeds and entirety
- I was in Mingjue state, not too focused on the beans or with too strong an intention
- My usual mingjue state, which is inconsistent. My beans got all slimy and I threw them out.
- My body was relaxed. My mind was intermittently focused. Fun to experience “loving” the beans; feeling this love toward the beans was a surprise!

It is inspiring to see some results. This wasn’t just about the beans and whether they grew or not. We were also researching our Mingjue consciousness. What did you notice in your thoughts and reactions during the experiment? Did you enjoy the process or were you worried that you might not do it “right”? Were you trying very hard, or were you relaxed? Were you frustrated or laughing to see your controls growing better than your research beans? Did you feel pride and congratulate yourself when your research beans grew well? Or were you able to stay in an unconditionally loving Mingjue state, regardless of any results achieved?
Teacher Wei says the most important thing in an experiment is the happy state of the researcher. And, Who is observing and conducting the experiment?
For future research projects, there are many ways we can clarify the experimental protocols. For instance, we can all use the same kind of beans, plan to send qi at the same time, have a consistent method or practice for sending qi, and make sure our control and research spaces are sufficiently separate so as not to inadvertently send qi to all the beans at once.
This was a great first collective experiment! Whether or not you did the experiment and submitted your results this time around, thank you for your continuous contribution to The World Consciousness Community and information-qi field. Keep exploring. Keep sending good information. And look for news about future research opportunities.
Thank you and Haola! 🙏
Another Experiment with Mingjue Love, Children, and Garlic
Dr. Pang Ming, the founder of Zhineng Qigong, chose to spread the good information of Zhineng Qigong through theories and practice methods. Another way was through scientific experiments and clinical research. He encouraged his students to carry out experiments to show the effects of consciousness and qi on the external world, ranging from medicine and education to agriculture and industry.
In this 2-min video, a TWCC organizer in Mexico captured a simple experiment on the potential impact of conscious information on garlic bulbs and oranges.
Study and Practice Mingjue Gongfu with Us
- New to Mingjue Gongfu? Visit our resources at Mingjue for Beginners.
- Join Teacher Wei and the World Consciousness Community for healing retreats in China in 2024! Three different dates and locations offered.
- Practice with a vibrant, global community in our yearlong program, “Awaken Your Heart, Heal Your Life,” which started August 2023. It’s never too late to join! New live sessions begin March 1, 2024. Monthly courses are available a la carte, and translations are available in multiple languages.
- Check out the foundational book on Mingjue Gongfu theories and practice methods, Mingjue Awakening. Available in English paperback (search in various countries as “Mingjue Awakening” or “Wei Qifeng”) and as an ebook PDF on daohearts.com. Also available in Spanish paperback.
Other Resources
Website: www.daohearts.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheWorldConsciousnessCommunity
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JDWdgsLRnOsXpuq2fpLdA
Instagram: www.instagram.com/theworldconsciousnesscommunity