Cases of illness

Case of DM II, rotator cuff injury, sleep apnea and nocturnal hypoxia

Anthony Ocasio (Tony)
DOB: 09/22/50
Place of Birth: San Turce Puerto Rico, USA
Residence: Alamogordo, NM, USA

Tony has past medical history of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (DM II). He was diagnosed about 40 years ago. He also has medical history of bradycardia (slow heart rate), rotator cuff inury, sleep apnea, and nocturnal hypoxia.

Tony has been injecting insulin for about 24 years. He was injecting 30 units/day of long-acting insulin, Glargine, and short acting insulin, Humalog, as needed with meals. He did not need Humalog every day, but from time to time, he injected 3-7 units with meals.

Rotator cuff injury:
He underwent right rotator cuff surgery about 15 years ago. He has had left shoulder pain and decreased range of motion, for years. He was not able to lift his left arm above his head. This problem got worse when he had a pacemaker inserted in September 2023.

Sleep apnea/Nocturnal hypoxia:
A C-PAP machine was prescribed to him, years ago, but he did not tolerate it.
He started using supplemental oxygen over a year ago, during the night, at 2 L per nasal cannula. It resolved the snoring associated with sleep apnea, and normalized oxygen saturation.
Tony attended the Mingjue Healing and Healer Retreat on Hainan Island, in April 2024. After the first week he started noticing favorable changes in his health.
Tony brought his portable oxygen concentrator to China. The first night, he used it. The second night, it malfunctioned. Therefore, he stopped using it. He did not use supplemental oxygen during the rest of his stay in Hainan; he was resting well, without snoring.

After one of the healing sessions, Tony was able to lift his left arm, above his head, without pain. His problem was completely resolved.

After the first week of the retreat, Tony had to decrease his insulin intake to 15 units/day because he was having low blood sugar levels during the night. He participated in a 3-day fasting, the day before starting to fast, on 4/18/24, he discontinued his insulin. During the fasting, his blood sugar was between 98-115 mg/dL.
After finishing the fasting period, he did not re-start the insulin.

Tony has a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) Free Style Libre 3, therefore he was able to closely monitor his blood sugar level. Here is an example of the blood glucose readings:
April 23, 2024, 2:11 am, blood sugar level = 87 mg/dL
April 23, 2024, 6:33 am, blood sugar level = 102 mg/dL
April 24, 2024, 11:17 pm, blood sugar level = 120 mg/dL
April 25, 2024, 5:45 am, blood sugar level = 105 mg/dL
April 25, 2024, morning, blood sugar increased to 250 mg/dL, (while visiting the Leiqiong Global Geopark and walking to the volcano), after eating lunch and resting it went down to 115 mg/dL, 105 mg/dL, 93 mg/dL. At 11:17 pm, blood sugar levels = 120 mg/dL.

April 26, 2024, 1:37 pm, blood sugar levels = 129 mg/dL
April 28, 2024, 5:44 am, blood sugar levels = 100 mg/dl
April 28, 2024, 10:19 am, blood sugar levels = 145 mg/dl (after breakfast)

Currently, he is working on stabilizing his blood sugar. He is following the advice of Teacher Wei. He practices daily and eats a healthy diet. He continues to have elevated blood sugars with strenuous exercise, which normalizes after resting and eating.
Tony is very grateful for the guidance of teacher Wei, and all the instructors and participants for their unconditional love.

Case of prostate cancer
Miquel Angel Mendoza
DOB: 02/05/1960
Place of residence: Mexico City, Mexico.

Migue Angel had medical history of prostate cancer. He underwent prostatectomy (surgical removal of the prostate gland) and radiation therapy for treatment of prostate cancer. On 11/19/23, his Oncologist ordered blood work to re-check the PSA (prostate specific antigen). Miguel Angel’s PSA was 76.80 ng/mL (reference range < 4.0 ng/mL). His Oncologist informed Miguel Angel that most likely he would need to re-start radiation therapy, since his PSA levels were elevated, indicating recurrence of prostate cancer. The doctor explained to Miguel Angel that some cancerous tissue was probably left during the procedure.
Miguel Angel has been practicing Zhineng Qigong; he decided to attend the Mingjue Healing and Healer Retreat on Hainan Island in April 2024 (3-6 April 2024) with the purpose of healing his disease.
On 04/22/24, after fasting for 3 days and participating in healing sessions. Miguel Angel had his PSA level checked at Chengmai County Pingan Hospital. PSA level was 5.429 ng/mL (reference range < 4.0 ng/mL).
On 05/09/24 Miquel Angel had his PSA level re-checked in Mexico City (Chopo, Grupo Diagnostico Medico). PSA level was 6.54 ng/dL (reference range < 4.0 ng/dL).
Miguel Angel achieved his goal.

Medical examination results (PSA test), November, 2023
Medical examination results (PSA test), June, 2024 (during Mingjue retreat on Hainan Island, China)
Medical examination results (PSA test), May, 2024

Case of Nephritic syndrome

Name: Xiaobing Zhang
Gender: male
Age: 28 years
Birth place: Wanrong Town, Yuncheng Region, Shanxi Province

The patient visited regional hospital of Yuncheng in Shanxi Province and was diagnosed with nephritic syndrome. He came to Zhineng Qigong rehabilitation center to seek medical help on July 14th, 1997.

Entrance physical examination result: concave edema of whole body, Kidney area without percussion. The patient were treated with oral prednisone (35mg/day) and traditional Chinese medicine. On July 19th, the patient stop using medicine and symptoms were aggravated. The patient continued to practice Qigong. His symptoms has gone on July 25th. On August 18th, the examination taken in medical department of Qigong center and hospital of Fengrun Town revealed normality.

Case of Femoral Head Necrosis Case

Name: Lin Luo
Gender: female
Age: 51 years
Birth place: Taixing City, Jiang Su Province

The patient complained right hip joint pain without obvious predisposing cause and movement range is limited. She was diagnosed with right femoral head necrosis. The symptom was not relieved after some certain treatment. The right side femoral head necrosis became worse and pain of the left side occurred four years before. The joint movement was limited. Patient was not able to walk independently and had to use walking sticks. She had received treatment in specialized hospitals in Jiangsu, Shandong and Beijing etc but wasn’t cured and the symptoms got even worse. The patient was almost in paralysis and on the verge of psychotic break at the end of the year of 1995. She began to practice Zhineng Qigong in July, 1997 and visited Zhineng Qigong rehabilitation center to seek medical assist on August 26th.

At the beginning she came to the Qigong center, her joint movement was limited, can not squat. She had to reply on walking sticks for walking and joints pained a lot. After she received creat Qi field for healing and practiced Qigong, the joint pain was relieved slowly by slowly and she began to walk independently. She took an X radiography examination on September 23rd and the result revealed that the left femoral head necrosis was successfully cured. The patients felt pain disappeared completely on September 23rd and joint movement was recovered. Another examination demonstrated that sacroiliac joint of both sides were normal. This means the illness on the sacroiliac joint of the patient were successfully cured within one month.

Case of Diabetes Mellitus

Name: Maozhen Yin
Gender: female
Age: 62 years
Birth place: Qingyuan City of Liaoning Province

The patient complains excessive drinking and eating, hyperuresis, weight loss, headache, dizzy, for over four years. She was diagnosed with type II diabetes mellitus combined with Grade II hypertension by overall examination in 202 hospital of Shen Yang province. The patient was given with hypoglycemic and blood pressure control drugs but the treatment effect was not obvious with plasma glucose level of 8~10mmol/l and blood pressure of 160~170/95~105mmHg. The patient came to Zhineng Qigong Rehabilitation Center to seek medical help on March 7th, 1996.

Entrance physical examination: exhaustion appearance, blood pressure 170/95mmHg, heart, lung, abdominal (一),edema of lower limbs”++”,plasma glucose 8.12mmol/l,cholesterol6.38mmol/l,urine glucose”+++”,urine protein”++”。

Entrance diagnosis: Type II diabetes mellitus combined with Grade II hypertension.

After the patient experienced creat Qi field for healing and Qigong practice, and had diet restriction, her symptoms disappeared slowly. The patient admitted good metal status and improvement of physical capacity at the end of the semester in May. Physical examination result: blood pressure 140/90mmHg, no edema in lower limbs, plasma glucose 5.5mmol/l, cholesterol 5.16mmol/l, urine glucose(一), urine protein(一). The patient recovered completely.

Case of Hepatic cirrhosis case

Name: Zhiqin Zhao
Gender: female
Age: 41 years
Birth Place: MengZhou City, He Nan Province

The patient complained darken urine and yellow eyes and skin. She came to the People’s hospital of Yu Meng Region and was diagnosed with heptatitis by specific examinations. The patient’s sign and symptom had not been relieved after hospitalization. The patient was transferred to 150 hospital of Luo Yang in July and received four-month treatment, during which her condition was very uncertain. Colour Doppler Ultrasound revealed chronic liver injury, liver cirrhosis and spleen enlargement. The patient visited Zhineng Qigong rehabilitation center to seek medical advice on July 3rd, 1997.

Entrance physical examination report: mental exhaustion, liver disease appearance, abdominal distention, shifting dullness, liver and spleen were impalpable.

The patient had experienced creat Qi field for healing,talk therapy and Qigong practice and her symptoms disappeared slowly. On July 25th, her ultrasonic examination report in center medical department showed no abnormality in liver, gall and spleen.

Case of Calculosis

Name: Qingming Fei
Gender: Female
Age: 52 years

The patient was diagnosed with hepatic and gall calculosis of sand and mud type in the year of 1971. Then she received dissection surgery in her left liver. And the right liver was partially dissected in 1988. However, two years later she got liver pain and stones developed again as demonstrated in examination result. Doctors could not cure the disease and reject to provide further treatment. The patient joined two sessions of Zhineng Qigong Recovery Course and expelled a few hundred of stones. She felt disease eliminated and ultrasonic examination has proved no stone.

According to the record of the successive three calculosis courses, there were 92 calculosis patients, 83 hepatic and gall type and 9 kidney and bladder type. After the patients received Qigong leading, practice and treatment, the overall effective rate was 100% and cure rate was 41%.

Case of Drug Rehabilitation

Name: A
Gender: male
Age: 28 years.

Occupation: Trainee of the 16th class, 4th Group, 86th period of Rehabilitation 1st Center

Patient had drug addiction for three years, for which he has spent over three hundred thousand RMB roughly. Patient has failed in abandoning drug for a few times. He had tried coma method in which he was induced into coma after medicine injection. However, the drug addiction was not reduced even after seven-day coma. On September 14th, 1997, the patient visited Zhineng Qigong Rehabilitation Center for drug rehabilitation by Qigong practice. His body weight increased 15 kg in one month. On October 10th he received examination in hospital of Feng Run City and the result of the blood test turned normal. The patient said, there were various drug rehabilitation methods, but Zhineng Qigong was the most efficient and magical by comparison.

Case of Breast Cancer Case

Name: June Wang
Gender: female
Age: 62 years

Occupation: retired worker of guest house of Guang Dong electricity Bureau

On September 13th, 1989, the patient was diagnosed with simple carcinoma in right breast in cancer center of Sun Yat-sen University and received dissection surgery. Carcinoma cells were detected in lymph system in examination six months post-surgery. The patient started to practice Zhineng Qigong in June, 1992 and stopped having further western and traditional Chinese medicine. On July 29th, 1997, patients had another examination in cancer center of Sun Yat-sen University and was found normal.


An analysis of Zhineng Qigong treatment of 47,864 patients and its therapeutic effect: Treatment of 47,864 cases effectivness analysis

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