Mingjue practice means experiencing the state of Mingjue, maintaining Mingjue, and continuously improving and refining Mingjue to encounter the true self and harmonize the world consciousness field.
Mingjue gongfu is based on systematic practice in order to meet the development stages of Mingjue and to improve body and health and find healing.

Part one: Mingjue practice in different levels of consciousness
1. Wake up true self (Yiyuanti), know “who am I”. Practice mingjue: realize the observer and say “N”; mingjue breathing.
2. Live in awakened oneness – harmonious entirety. Mingjue practice in the “tian ren he yi” state: say “xu”.
3. Build high level information program (reference frame work) for life, change life information and attitude, practice mingjue mantra:
We are mingjue love
We are mingjue peace
We are mingjue happiness
We are mingjue gratitude
4. Mingjue sees through and breaks the limitation and fixation of old patterns of the reference frame work:
- Observe thoughts and reactions
- Practice “zhen nian” 正念: peaceful mingjue and positive thoughts
- Practice “zhuan nian” 转念: change negative and fixed mind into free mingjue state and positive thoughts
- Go beyond: as the master of life, mingjue uses and plays with reference frame work, emotions and sensory organs freely.
5. See through and transform old emotional trauma and blockages and qi blockages caused by emotions:
- Observe fixed thoughts and emotions, see through the roots — lose self into the limited pattern of reference frame work
- Release emotional blockages: Crying, strong breathing
- Play with emotions: Heng ha, laughing qigong, making faces…
- Go through and go beyond emotional blockages: mingjue observes the triggers or stimulations in the memory, keeps to observe the person and the reasons which create emotions until one can fully accept them, and then react with mingjue love and gratitude.
Part two: Mingjue practice methods to change the qi and functions of life
1. Practice deeper level oneness with universe:
- Universe hands open and close
- Throat breathing, qi body breathing and universe breathing with standing meditation
- Big circulation
- Open and close seven qi centers alone middle channel
2. Practice mingmen inner palace to strengthen innate qi and experience mingmen centered oneness (“tian ren he yi”)
- Open and close
- Mingmen throat breathing and gentle breathing in standing and sitting meditation
Straight leg sitting meditation - Coccyx movement in standing (upper body straight and bow) and lying (Sit-ups) posture
Mingmen up and down with throat breathing, say “yu”
3. Practice hunyuan palace to harmonize five inner organs qi and experience hun yuan palace centered oneness (“tian ren he yi”):
- Open and close
- Eueng – qing
- Massage abdomen
- Standing meditation
4. Practice shenji palace to develop supper abilities and experience shenji palace centered oneness:
- Say “shenji”
- Right angle breathing
5. Practice spine and central nervous system:
- Caterpillar movements
- Bow body arch back
- Rotate spine
- Wall squats
6. Practice three dantians through movements:
- Crane head
- Chen qi
- Rotate lower dantian
- Big circulation
Part Three: Improving mingjue through application – transformation and creation
1. Mingjue healing, mingjue acupuncture
2. Mingjue experiments and research
3. The world mingjue consciousness field cultivation for evolving human to high level:
- Organize mingjue consciousness field during practice
- Individual practice merge with mingjue consciousness field
4. Mingjue relationships
Unconditional love
5. Mingjue life style and services (daode)
Mingjue love
Mingjue is playful, joyful and flexible