Our in-person retreat in Spain is currently full, but you are welcome to join us online!
Livestream from Spain – join us online!
Date: September 30th to October 8th, 2023 (9 days)
Time: 3 pm – 5 pm Spain time
Participation fee: 120 USD (including recordings)
Registration: Please contact and register with one of our international organizers – see the list of organizers at the end of this page.

Mingjue Retreat in Spain
After meeting online for three years, opening and sharing our hearts, supporting one another, cultivating unconditional love, peace, happiness and gratitude together, the time for us to meet has finally arrived.
From September 29th to October 9th
In beautiful sunny Spain, in Girona (Costa Brava, Catalonia
Everybody is invited. Teachers, healers, students and practicioners of ZhìNéng QìGōng Mingjué GōngFu, Qigong, Taiji, Yoga, meditation and people interested in the development of consciousness are welcome.
If you don’t know any of these practices, you are welcome too.
We will use the consciousness field, qì field and the information field to purify and transform the energy -qì-, creating in everyone a new qi body.
We will learn and help each other to open our heart and liberate emotional blockages and traumas.
We will learn “to see through” in deep meditations. We will reach our True Self to live always in the present moment so that we can enjoy this beautiful life.
The organisers from all over the world will join Wei QiFeng laoshi to deepen our training for four days. And right after that, we will hold an open ten-day retreat. Coordinators: ĀnYuè, Teresa and YrmgardT
Our retreat practice
- Learn to see through the laws of sickness and health, to go with the flow of health and create a healthy lifestyle
- Practice in the True Self. From the state of self-conscious wholeness penetrate emotional blockages, traumas and old life patterns to create peace and harmony
- Create a large field of consciousness and strong qì to transform the energetic blockages of everyone in the group
- Send healthy qì to everyone. Organizers, teachers and healers and all people being ONE, we send the best qì to everyone
- Practice the free flow of qi in everything you do: in movement and stillness, in laughter, in silence, in relationships, in playing, singing, dancing, making music… like children. Learn to celebrate life

Our Source Of Inspiration
Wei Qi Feng the teacher of ZhìNéng QìGōng MíngJué GōngFu is recognized for his excellence in transmitting the teachings in a joyful, open and accessible way to people from both East and West.
He shares the theory and practice of ZhìNéng QìGōng with generosity, dedication and presence, focusing his teachings directly on the MíngJué state of self-awareness and its cultivation and application in the practice of the methods and in daily life, known as GōngFu.
He delivers all his teachings in a relaxed, high-level frequency, full of love, humour and, at the same time, great fidelity to the teachings of Dr. Pang Ming, creator of the science of the heart.
He guides and inspires, sowing and awakening the seed of Dao in all hearts. His most brilliant project is to strengthen and grow The World Consciousness Community for the development of human consciousness towards its highest vibration: unconditional love.
Our schedule in Spain
Day 1 – Friday 29, September 2023
15:00 Reception
17:00 Opening and practice
20:00 Dinner
21:30 Free practice
Following days
07:00 Practice
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Theory and Practice
13:00 Lunch
16:00 Practice and theory
20:00 Dinner
21:30 Free practice
Last day – Monday 9, October 2023
07:00 Practice
08:30 Breakfast
10:00 Practice and closing
11:00 Check out
13:00 Lunch
Our nutrition
The kitchen is an important part of the retreats. We have made sure that the buffet service to be very loving.
The gastronomic offer is simple, seasonal and above all careful and homemade. They are all prepared in their own kitchen, to avoid the use of artificial preservatives and food traces that may compromise intolerances.
The kitchen team prepares a menu adapted to the group and customized to the needs of each member; you can choose the options and specify it beforehand.
Solius, Girona, Costa Brava
For 10 days our home for practice, food and rest will be Casa Santa Elena located in Solius, Girona, 15-minutes drive from the Costa Brava.
We will take advantage of the constant contact with nature in its six hectares of gardens to inspire and deepen our learning and practice.
The house is modern and built with taste and attention to detail. It has a bright, column-free, soundproof practice room, ideal for simultaneous translation. There are single and double rooms with en-suite bathrooms.
Casa Santa Elena is easy to reach. It is 30′ by car from Girona, 1 hour by bus from Barcelona airport and 15′ by bus from Girona airport.
Girona is accessible by high speed train from Barcelona 00:37′, Madrid 3:30H, Toulouse 2:30H and Paris 5:30H.

The complete cost
- full board in single room 10 days – (86,66€) 866,60€
- full board in double room 10 days – (75,66€) 756,60€ per person
Teaching 544.10€ – and all the activities of the retreat –
- Total investment in a single room – 1.410,40€
- Total investment in a double room- 1.300,70€ per person
Investment per participant – mingjue course student
- full board in single room 10 days – (86,66€) 866,60 €
- full board in double room 10 days – (75,66€) 756,60€ per person
Teaching 473,40€ -and all the activities of the retreat-
- Total investment in a single room – 1.340,00€
- Total investment in a double room- 1.230,00€ per person
Not included: mini bar consumption and transfer
Close to the date we will open a group to facilitate travel and arrival
Coordination of the general organization in Spain



Contact For All General Questions for the retreat in Spain
Yrmgard T. +34 652 97 52 83
Teresa T. +34 665 58 10 85
ĀnYué T. +34 620 34 02 58
How to book for our retreat in Spain
- You will receive an email with clear instructions.
- The booking covers accommodation and full board.
- Payment for tuition will be made in cash on arrival.
- The reservation is only effective when you send us the proof of payment.
Join online!
Our in-person retreat in Spain is currently full, but you can participate online.
September 30th to October 8th, 2023
3 pm – 5 pm Spain time
Participation fee: 120 USD
Please contact and register with one of our international organizers below.